Sunday, April 29, 2012


Yes, I ♥ weekends!

Like, who doesn't?! Oh well, yesterday's weather was ridicously hot! 34 degrees celcius for goodness sake! Even when I'm home the whole day because I was so lazy to get out of the house, I'm pespiring like hell! Really ridicous isn't it? So I rolled around the whole afternoon doing things I could find. When it comes to evening, my mood was really low, low. Seriously, it's all because of the weather! Ugh. Why can't Singapore have four seasons? ): Oh anyways, I had a date at night so he came to pick me up and we went to watch The Lucky One! I would say it's worth the watch but not worth the price on weekends. I feel that the ratings are totally wrong! It's rated PG-13 but I sincerely thought it's NC-16. Why? Obviously there are way many steamy hot scenes in the movie that are bad influence to kids! I believed so! Other than that, I couldn't concentrate much on the movie as the whole cinema was so noisy. Girls chatting beside me, people around opening their food bites and things like that. No peace and it's irritating!

After the movie, we went to Simpang to have our supper since we were both a little hungry and I did not take my dinner at all. Sinful night but it's okay! Chat a little and went home around 1am. I swear I was half asleep and tired at that timing because I wasn't the night-life teenager. I'm screwing up my body clock! Wait, I'm still considered a teenager? Whatever! Oh well, although it's a simple movie/supper date, I thought it was sweet and a great time to learn more about each other. I really enjoyed myself. :)

As for today, I woke up a little late and as usual, I was smiling the first thing I woke up checking my whatsapp. Sweet messages or greetings never fails to make my day! I do have a habit of checking my phone after I woke up in bed. Like, I make sure I check through my mail and messages that came through the night, tumblr, twitter and instagram! I think I'm relying too much on phone and data plan! Habits are hard to change but I don't really care. Oh well. Anyways, I did some housework at home, cleared my wardrobe a little. I realize I had a lot of clothes and easily, my wardrobe are filled with clothes! Like full, full. Oh my god. I got to clear them again because I can foresee I'm going to buy more soon! Girls will always be girls. Alright, enough of rest. Got to get back to work. Be back again, soon.

With love.

Tuesday, April 24, 2012


I need to stop drinking so much. Of course, as compared to most of my friend's alcohol limits, I'm at the lowest. I admit I can't drink much so I won't drink more. In order to take care of my body, I ought to be drinking lesser or even stop drinking because I don't exactly know what's happening in my body. Creating resistance when I drink and that's a bad thing to me. I meant the feelings of the aftermath. I experienced the worse feeling last saturday when I went Timbre with my lovely cliques(can't get any better;in awe). I had my usual drink and I had the worse feeling while heading home. Headache like someone's squeezing my head, heavy as hell. Ear blocked. The feeling of vomitting really disgust me. I seriously hate the feeling of vomitting. Somehow I made it home after train and walking home.

Texted my friend while I'm on my way home and he said I'm drunk by looking at the way I'm texting. Seriously? Haha. So somehow I got home with all the mess up feeling, took a shower and totally knock out. Woke up almost noon the next day and rushed out to watch Titanic 3D with my siblings! I could say that it's really a waste of money for the 3D effect cause there really wasn't much effect. Watch it on CD at home would be better. Ok back to movie in cinema, after movie went to Siglap to meet up with my usual Starbucks lovelies! Grabbed my favourite cafe latte and molten chocolate. I love meeting up with them at Starbucks to chill, talking about almost anything. They are all so wise and I love talking to them. So we chatted, gossiped, shared what's going on in our lives. Back home after chilling and that's about it!

I'm really making a full use of my 3 weeks holiday before next sem starts! :)

With love.

Friday, April 20, 2012

Picking up a new start

Hi bloggers! I'm back to blogger after... a year or 2? A sudden urge to pick up blogging again! So.. yes! I'm glad I'm back blogging about my new life and things that I'm interested in! Most of all shall be what I'm up to most of the time! Look out for my new post in future! :)

With love.